Sunday, June 22, 2014

Pick The Lock

Pick The Lock

There are so many keys on your ring,
so many fine spiritual sayings 
you can recite,
and maybe so many pictures of 
saints in your home. 

But rarely work hard enough,
peer deep enough,
to pick the lock
of yourself. 

You should have stopped reading 
pages long ago, if not in this book,
in another,

and just done whatever it took 
to grab God and pull Him to you. 

            The long journey we go on to discover our inner selves is one of life's joys, and also a requisite for living life fully. We should constantly work to pull ourselves away from the distractions of this world in pursuit of its beauties. We should put down the sayings of acclaimed figures of the past and attempt to pen our own verse, paraphrase our own testament, "pick the lock of yourself". On October 31, 1917, Kahlil discussed the depth of our interior: "Yes, beloved Mary, we know without knowing that we know, and we unconsciously live according to something in our depth which our surfaces do not understand. The real thing in us is the presence of all that is real outside of us. Even when in doubt we are not doubting. Even when we are saying 'No' to Life, something in us cries 'Yes'. The 'No' is heard only by man, the 'Yes' by God. There are a few men - perhaps five percent - who just live their inner life all the time, despite the world about them."

"There is one spectacle grander than the sea, that is the sky; there is one spectacle grander than the sky, that is the interior of the soul.”― Victor Hugo, Les Misérables 

Long Way Down (2013), Tom Odell

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