Thursday, December 5, 2013

What Harvest Is Ever Gathered Without Your Hand?

What Harvest Is Ever Gathered Without Your Hand?

Who can turn from green to gold
without your love?

What harvest is ever gathered
without your hand helping?

God will enter the rhythm of our remembrance
but first there must be a natural reception

as we go about our Holy labor,
which is all work on Earth.

Yes, a graceful life sings beyond
what most pens can offer.

But I am the mountains’ representative,
you too try to speak on their behalf,

And extend a link between yourself
and you will now find they adorn you.

A king could change your life in many ways
but not half as much as this truth.

            I think the truth Hafiz speaks of is the realization that we have the magnitude of mountains, that we can speak on their behalf. I’ve decided to interpret this as metaphorical because it fits where I’m going with this poem. Imagine the grandeur of your work if you believed it was Holy, that God set music to your daily tasks, creating your rhythm of remembrance. Now you’re adorned with mountains, you have unmatched worth, you have significance beyond what is human. Of course the jewels of a king could not compare.

            There are a few precious souls on Earth who live out the enormity of their importance. Nelson Mandela, former South African president, anti-apartheid leader, and champion of peace, was one of them. He died today. I particullary like President Obama’s remarks: “He achived more than could be expected of any man, he belongs to the ages.” Interpret that how you like, but I think Hafiz knew that the ultimate harvest of a good life is the legacy you leave. 

Stevie Wonder dedicated the Academy Award for his hit song "I Just Called To Say I Love You" to Mandela. 

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