Sunday, August 17, 2014

The Table Where You Ate

The Table Where You Ate

For your sake we are here,
not for our own.
Why should I ever complain 
about working in the shop
where you did? 

And the table, earth, where you ate -
isn't that good enough for me? 

Your legs stretched out across 
every particle of space
I might ever encounter;
the wise could build monuments
here because of this.

If my senses were less dull 
the scent of your breath 
would enter me,

for you exhaled something 
of your soul into this world,
and what you do does last. 

For your sake, Beloved,
we are here, not for our own,
no matter what directions our 
thoughts and actions may turn. 

When dawn pulls the veil from my eye,
the scent of your breath will enter me forever,
and lift every sail. 

           We are here to fulfill God's divine purpose for our life. Our direction is not our own, as our destiny is God's. That's not to say we don't have free will, we do, and we can technically choose our own direction at any given moment. But this life may ultimately fail to satisfy us, as we left no room open for the plans God intended (the plans that quite honestly are better than any we can conceive of). Hebrews 12:1 has this interesting line to explain The Cross, "who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross". That's powerful, don't postpone joy, pursue it. It is what we will know in the kingdom of Heaven and it is what we can know here if we lead fluid lives ready to be amended by God.

What If (2005), Nichole Nordeman

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