Monday, February 24, 2014

The Root of The Rose

The Root of The Rose 

In this cup I am drinking from, 
I can see the face behind every face

In a well, I see where creation 
was once drawn with a stick

A galaxy can appear in the reflection 
of a small pool. 

Within an arm's reach is all I desire,
so I am never in want. 

The root of the rose I have become,
from loving the way I did. 

     "Love is not the last room: there are others after it, it is the whole length of the corridor that has no end." Those are the words of Yehuda Amichai, whom Israel often considers to be their most accomplished poet. His remaining papers are held in The Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library at Yale University, remembered with the words: "Amichai had a rare ability for transforming the personal, even private, love situation, with all its joys and agonies, into everybody's experience."
     Hafiz has penned quite the ethereal experience resulting from "loving the way I did", but in some sense it is a realistic truth. True love allows you to envision how your life would be, you're gifted glimpses of the miraculous and the incredible in front of you, the stars do seem brighter, the chocolate much richer. And within an arm's reach is all you desire.

What was whispered to the rose

To break it open

Last night

Was whispered to my heart.
 – Rumi

           What are those words? More than "you're beautiful", though that may be fine to say to a rose. It's a fine place to start in love as well, but then it evolves, to you're need, you're inspiring, you enrich my life, you make it more fulfilling, more livable, more fun.
           When I went off to college my dad started signing a lot of his emails, "Love til' the flame turns blue" because it takes eons and eons, millions and millions of years, for a star to change from red to blue (and many times, it never happens). It's a poetic way to say I'll love you forever. It probably stemmed from the David Gray album we enjoyed together on a long drive and my love for astronomy.  I'll always remember this line and cannot wait to use it with my own children one day. Love should show you galaxies and the galactic quality of your own soul.
Flame Turns Blue, David Gray 

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