Tuesday, February 11, 2014

She Responded

She Responded

The birds' favorite songs you do not hear,
for their most flamboyant music takes place

when their wings are stretched above the trees 
and they are smoking the opium of 

pure freedom. It is healthy for the prisoner 
to have faith 

that one day he will again move about 
whenever he wants; 

feel the wondrous grit of life - less structured -
find all debts stamped, canceled, paid. 

I once asked a bird, "How is it that you fly 
in this gravity of darkness?"

She responded, "Love lifts me." 

                      How is it that we get through difficult days and trying time periods? How do we find the strength when it seems as though life has handed us struggle after struggle? If we stop to ask ourselves why the words of Hafiz have staying power, it is probably this: It is because they evoke parts of our soul that needed to be illuminated and it is because they remind us of those we love. And because love lifts us, yes, love raises us to our potential.

All of Me (2013), John Legend 

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